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Server Information

[Server Information]
📌 Renewal Episode 18 :Direction of Prayer
📌 Server Mode: 4th jobs
📌 Base/Job Lvl: 250/50
📌 Exp Rate: 15x15x15x
📌 Drop rate: 15x
📌 Max Stats: 130
📌 Max ASPD 193.
📌 Max Party Capacity 15.
📌 Party Share Gap 15 Levels
📌 Max Guild Capacity 72/5
📌 Death Penalty 1%
📌 Max Zeny 2,000,000,000z
📌 Normal Card: 0.50%
📌 Mini Boss Card: 0.01%
📌 MVP Boss Card: 0.01%
📌 Auto-Trade: ENABLE
📌 Dual Client: ENABLE
[Server Host Featured]
📌 Adv. DDOS Protection.
📌 Server Main: Dallas,TX
• ASIA Optimize
• US Optimize
• Europe Optimize
• Canada
[Server Features]
📌 VIP System
📌 Daily Rewards
📌 Auto Events
📌 Weekly [GM EVENTS]
📌 Job Changer [Open]
📌 Buffer Vip
📌 Healer [Open]
📌 Warper [Open]
[Featured NPC & Quest]
📌 Quest Npc
📌 Donation Shop
📌 Event Shop
📌 PVP Ladder
📌 MVP Ladder
📌 @commands
📌 @autoloot
📌 @iteminfo
📌 @mobinfo
📌 @whereis
📌 @whodrops
📌 @rates
📌 @showexp
📌 @showzeny
[Custom Commands]
📌 @lootconfig
📌 @lootset
📌 @battlestats
📌 @whobuy
📌 @whosell
📌 @restock
📌 @autostore

Main Site: arise-ro.com
Good Luck and Have Fun. ROK ON!