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#1314: Permeter

Monster ID 1314 Sprite PERMETER
kRO Name Permeter Custom No
iRO Name Permeter HP 8,228
Size Medium SP 0
Race Brute Level 63
Element Neutral (Lv 2) Speed 250
Experience 3,756 Attack 943~1,211
Job Experience 1,955 Defense 46
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 45
Attack Delay 1,100 ms Attack Range 2
Attack Motion 483 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 528 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Attack
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Can Move
Monster Stats
STR 69 AGI 59 VIT 60
INT 5 DEX 69 LUK 100

Permeter Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance Can be stealed
967 Turtle Shell 44.13% Yes
7070 Broken Shell 0.45% Yes
1019 Trunk 12.4% Yes
507 Red Herb 24.5% Yes
912 Zargon 12.4% Yes
522 Mastela Fruit 0.25% Yes
605 Anodyne 0.01% Yes
4311 Permeter Card 0.01% No

Monster Skills for “Permeter”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
Perimeter@AM_POTIONPITCHER 4 Attack 100% 0.5s 5s Yes Friend friendhpltmaxrate 60
Perimeter@AM_POTIONPITCHER 4 Attack 100% 0.5s 5s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Perimeter@AM_POTIONPITCHER 4 Idle 100% 0.5s 5s Yes Friend friendhpltmaxrate 60
Perimeter@AM_POTIONPITCHER 4 Idle 100% 0.5s 5s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Perimeter@AM_POTIONPITCHER 4 Chase 100% 0.5s 5s Yes Friend friendhpltmaxrate 60
Perimeter@AM_POTIONPITCHER 4 Chase 100% 0.5s 5s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Perimeter@NPC_EMOTION 1 Walk 20% 0s 5s Yes Self always 0
Perimeter@NPC_GROUNDATTACK 3 Attack 5% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
Perimeter@NPC_HALLUCINATION 1 Attack 5% 0.5s 5s Yes Target always 0
Perimeter@NPC_HALLUCINATION 1 Chase 5% 0.5s 5s Yes Target always 0
Perimeter@NPC_EMOTION 1 Chase 2% 0s 5s Yes Self always 0
Perimeter@TF_SPRINKLESAND 1 Attack 5% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0