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Tanjiro last won the day on November 5 2022

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  1. Tanjiro

    Patch 20/3/2024

    Nuevos Shadow Sets Se agregaron los Trait Shadow set Full Power Shadow Armor Full Power Shadow Shoes Full Rate Shadow Armor Full Rate Shadow Shoes Focusing Shadow Pendant Focusing Shadow Earring Stout Shadow Pendant Stout Shadow Earring Full Spell Shadow Armor Full Spell Shadow Shoes Centering Shadow Pendant Centering Shadow Earring Witty Shadow Pendant Witty Shadow Earring Serán por drop en una box en el nuevo dungeon ya detallado arriba El NPC Trinity de los Master Shadow se modifico y se le agrego la opción de los Trait-enhanced Shadow set Los shadow normales non-class volvieron a estar por DROP de mobs Instancias Endless Cellar MVP del piso 73 Evil Tanjiro se le agrega una caja llamada God n Evil Ticket Equip Random Box = 60783, esta caja dará 2 cupones: Crown of Good and Evil Coupon Boots of Good and Evil Coupon Estos Tickets podrás canjearlos por equipo God And Evil MVP del ultimo piso Death Lord, se ha modificado por completo, por que estaba muy débil, este MVP dará igual una caja llamada God n Evil Ticket Weapon Random Box = 60784, esta caja dará 2 cupones: Good Weapon Coupon Evil Weapon Coupon Estos tickets podrás canjearlos por Weapons God And Evil NPC ubicado en el Mall Pet System Se hicieron cambios general a los pets dentro del juego como: Ajuste de rates de carptura Ajuste de Intimacy Feed, ahora algunos pets nuevos como viejos pedirán menos comida para estar full Se agregaron bonus nuevos y se reajustan los ya existentes. Todos de acorde a las ultimas actualizaciones de kRO
  2. _______________________________________________________________________________ Vardmunt Biosphere Deep 2 Esta versión es aun mas difícil que la primera (NO ME DIGAS) aquí podrán encontrar nuevas armas y hats para tus personajes. se ingresa hablando con la NPC Deep Research Manager (te pedirá que tengas mínimo 2000 de puntos de reputación para poder desbloquear Vardmunt Deep 2), la cual te dará una quest que te pedirá salir de la mansión e ir a la ciudad. _______________________________________________________________________________ Una vez salgas de la mansión debes darle click a la quest que te dio la NPC anterior, la cual te marcara las coordenadas en el piso indicando la dirección que debes tomar para ingresar a Vardmunt Biosphere Deep 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ Al llegar a dichas coordenadas llegaras a un portal naranjo el cual si no tienes la quest simplemente no se te abrirá ni un dialogo. _______________________________________________________________________________ Al hablar con este portal te enviara a Chees Garden. _______________________________________________________________________________ El portal te dejara ir a 4 lugares diferentes del mapa de Deep 2nd Floor, según zona horaria que elijas. _______________________________________________________________________________ Dentro podrás encontrar 4 NPC los cuales te explicaremos aquí. Quest y Reputación NPC Location Quest Level Requirement Reward /navi ba_chess 25/13 Hunt 450 any monsters in Deep Level 2 250 x3 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Duneayr 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Naga 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Ancient Tree 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Dollocaris 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Ice Gargoyle 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Flame Ghost 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Acidus 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Morocc's Manifestation 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Salamander 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Hunt 25x Abyss Moskillo 250 x1 Deep Level 2 Research Document (60781) Base/Job Experience Este item es Usable Nota: Cada Deep Level 2 Research Document al darle doble click te dará 5 puntos de reputación. El item Deep Level 2 Research Document se creo por que aun no se tiene el sistema oficial de este dungeon, el cual se creo custom para el servidor, una vez teniendo su sistema oficial se le hará una actualización al post completo. _______________________________________________________________________________ Varmundt's Biosphere Deep 2 Monsters Abyss Duneyrr (22252) 166.986.400 HP Fire 3 Large Demihuman Abyss Naga (22253) 181.266.750 HP Earth 2 Large Brute Abyss Ancient Tree (22254) 164.463.460 HP Earth 2 Plant Large Abyss Dollocaris (22255) 178.600.800 HP Earth 3 Fish Medium Abyss Ice Gargoyle (22256) 162.858.710 HP Water 3 Demon Medium Abyss Flame Ghost (22257) 159.779.165 HP Fire 3 Undead Medium Abyss Acidus (22258) 171.678.990 HP Wind 2 Dragon Large Abyss Morocc (22259) 155.392.230 HP Dark 1 Angel Large Abyss Salamander (22260) 155.742.230 HP Fire 2 Formless Large Abyss Moskillo (22261) 155.812.230 HP Wind 3 Insect Medium NOTA: La mob tiene un pequeño % de dropear las armas Dimensions. La mob tiene un pequeño % de dropear un item llamado Dimensions Weapon Refinement Device el cual sirve para refinar las Armas dimension desde +9 a +11. Toda la mob dropea una caja llamada Trait Shadow Random Box = 60782 Como dice la caja los shadow saldrán de manera random Enchants > Trait-Enhanced Shadow Equipment < _______________________________________________________________________________ Intercambios de items _______________________________________________________________________________ Crafteo y Enchants - 500 Puntos de Reputación para Craftear una Dimensions Weapons. - 1.000 Puntos de Reputación para Craftear un Time Dimensions Crowns. - 1.000 Puntos de Reputación para Enchants a las Dimensions Weapons. - 2.000 Puntos de Reputación para Enchants a las Time Dimensions Crowns. Dimensions Weapons Enchant : Dimensions Weapon Enchants Time Dimensions Crowns Enchant: Time Dimensions Rune Crown Enchants 10x Abyss Magic Rune Ore & 50x Temporal Crystal 50x Abyss Magic Jewel & 50x Time Dimension Magic Jewel & 75x Temporal Gemstone Dimensions Dragon Sword [2] Dimensions Shadow Katar [2] Dimensions Shadow Chakram [2] Dimensions Mechanical Axe [2] Dimensions Dragon Lance [2] Dimensions Arc Staff [2] Dimensions Arc Road [2] Dimensions Moonlight Huuma Shuriken [2] Dimensions Moonlight Wheel Shuriken [2] Dimensions Abyss Bow [2] Dimensions Wind Cross Bow [2] Dimensions Wind Bow [2] Dimensions Night Rifle [2] Dimensions Night Launcher [2] Dimensions Imperial Sword [2] Dimensions Biological Sword [2] Dimensions Hyper Sword [2] Dimensions Abyss Knife [2] Dimensions Imperial Spear [2] Dimensions Elemental Magic Book [2] Dimensions Elemental Spell book [2] Dimensions Saint Bible [2] Dimensions Emperor Moon book [2] Dimensions Emperor Book of the Sun [2] Dimensions St. Road [2] Dimensions Soul Stick [2] Dimensions Soul Road [2] Dimensions Hyper Road [2] Dimensions Spirit Foxtail [2] Dimensions Spirit Foxtail Model [2] Dimensions Judgment Knuckle [2] Dimensions Judgment Claw [2] Dimensions Musical Violin [2] Dimensions Musical Ribbon [2] Dimensions Mechanical Mace [2] Dimensions Biological Scepter [2] Dimensions Musical Harp [2] Dimensions Musical Rope [2] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Dragon Knight) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Imperial Guard) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Meister) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Biolo) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Shadow Cross) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Abyss Chaser) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Arch Mage) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Elemental Master) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Cardinal) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Inquisitor) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Windhawk) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Troubadour & Trouvere) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Shinkiro & Shiranui) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Night Watch) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Sky Emperor) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Soul Ascetic) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Hyper Novice) [1] Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Spirit Handler) [1]
  3. Varmundt's Biosphere Deep 1 Varmundt Biosphere Deep 1 es la versión más difícil de las Varmundt Biosphere Dungeons normales. Para acceder a este dungeon primero debes tomar una quest la cual te la entrega el siguiente npc: NPC ubicado en /navi ba_in01 292/104 El cual te dará acceso al nuevo dungeon Biosphere Deep 1, los portales están en los siguientes mapas: (/navi bl_death 65/121) (/navi bl_grass 131/365) (/navi bl_ice 198/268) (/navi bl_lava 151/263) (/navi bl_soul 300/292) (/navi bl_temple 272/331) (/navi bl_venom 182/250) Imagen referencial de los portales Quest y Reputación NPC Location Quest Level Requirement Reward /navi ba_in01 292/104 Hunt 2,000 any monsters in Deep Level 1 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 300 any monsters in Deep level 1 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Lava Toad, Deep Fire Frilldora and Collect 15x Deep Fire Samples (1001330) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Lava Toad, Deep Fire Frilldora and Collect 20x Deep Fire Samples (1001330) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Anolian, Deep Kapha and Collect 15x Deep Ice Sample (1001332) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Anolian, Deep Kapha and Collect 50x Deep Ice Sample (1001332) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Sting, Deep Wood Goblin and Collect 15x Deep Earth Sample (1001331) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Sting, Deep Wood Goblin and Collect 20x Deep Earth Sample (1001331) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Dragon Tail and Deep Little Fatum and Collect 15x Deep Wind Sample (1001333) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Dragon Tail, Deep Little Fatum and Collect 20x Deep Wind Sample (1001333) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Holy Frus, Deep Holy Skogul and Collect 15x Deep Holy Sample (1001335) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Holy Frus, Deep Holy Skogul and Collect 20x Deep Holy Sample (1001335) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Skeleton Archer, Deep Soldier Skeleton and Collect 15x Deep Death Sample (1001336) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Skeleton Archer, Deep Soldier Skeleton and Collect 20x Deep Death Sample (1001336) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Empathize, Deep Pray Giver and Collect 15x Deep Soul Sample (1001334) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Empathize, Deep Pray Giver and Collect 20x Deep Soul Sample (1001334) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 50x Deep Dark Pinquicula, Deep Pom Spider and Collect 15x Deep Poison Sample (1001337) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience Hunt 80x Deep Dark Pinquicula, Deep Pom Spider and Collect 20x Deep Poison Sample (1001337) 250 x1 Deep Level 1 Research Document (1001289) Base/Job Experience NOTA: Este NPC te entregara las quest, pero debes entregarlas una vez terminadas con las npc que están frente del mismo las cuales estarán con un globo de quest una vez terminadas. Estos NPC te entregaran el item Deep Level 1 Research Document al terminar su quest designada Nota: Con el mismo npc que te da la quest de acceso al dungeon se deben usar los Deep Level 1 Research Document, el cual al entregarlos te dará items random ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Varmundt's Biosphere Deep Monsters Depth Lava Toad (22143) 102,957,370 HP Fire 4 Brute Medium Depth Empathize (22146) 78,695,860 HP Ghost 2 Angel Medium Depth Anolian (22140) 107,320,500 HP Water 3 Fish Medium Depth Little Fatum (22144) 87,700,530 HP Wind 3 Demi-Human Medium Depth Holy Frus (22148) 85,467,880 HP Holy 2 Angel Medium Depth Kapha (22150) 105,899,670 HP Water 3 Fish Medium Depth Pray (22154) 89,002,070 HP Ghost 3 Angel Medium Depth Skeleton Archer (22141) 98,579,600 HP Undead 2 Undead Medium Depth Dragon Tail (22142) 83,702,230 HP Wind 4 Insect Medium Depth Skeleton Soldier (22151) 100,400,600 HP Undead 3 Undead Medium Depth Dark Pinguicula (22152) 81,679,820 HP Poison 3 Plant Medium Depth Wood Goblin (22155) 99,900,999 HP Earth 3 Plant Medium Depth Fire Frilldora (22147) 93,256,470 HP Fire 3 Brute Medium Depth Holy Skogul (22149) 83.587,530 HP Holy 2 Angel Medium Depth Pom Spider (22153) 89,009,870 HP Poison 2 Insect Medium Depth Sting (22145) 101,934,980 HP Earth 4 Formless Medium ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intercambio de Items Este NPC es free no necesitas tener reputación Primera Opción Segunda Opción Tercera Opción ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Crafteo Necesitas tener 500 puntos de reputación para poder crear estas armaduras. Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450274) 1,000,000z 45x Depth Flame Rune (1001306) 45x Depth Earth Rune (1001307) 30x Depth Flame Essence (1001314) 30x Depth Earth Essence (1001315) Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] (450279) 1,000,000z 45x Depth Ice Rune (1001308) 45x Depth Storm Rune (1001309) 30x Depth Ice Essence (1001316) 30x Depth Storm Essence (1001317) Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450280) 1,000,000z 45x Depth Soul Rune (1001310) 45x Depth Purification Rune (1001311) 30x Depth Soul Essence (1001318) 30x Depth Purifying Essence (1001319) Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450281) 1,000,000z 45x Depth Corruption Rune (1001312) 45x Depth Poison Rune (1001313) 30x Depth Corruption Essence (1001320) 30x Depth Poison Essence (1001321) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reform Necesitas tener 1500 puntos de reputación para poder evolucionar las armaduras NOTA: Las armaduras al evolucionarlas se vuelven intradeables Engraved Depth Equipment Reform Unengraved Armor Materiales Refine/Grade Change Engraved Armor Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450274) 30x Depth Flame Rune (1001306) 30x Depth Earth Rune (1001307) 15x Depth Flame Essence (1001314) 15x Depth Earth Essence (1001315) None Engraved Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450282) Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] (450279) 30x Depth Ice Rune (1001308) 30x Depth Storm Rune (1001309) 15x Depth Ice Essence (1001316) 15x Depth Storm Essence (1001317) None Engraved Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] (450283) Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450280) 30x Depth Soul Rune (1001310) 30x Depth Purification Rune (1001311) 15x Depth Soul Essence (1001318) 15x Depth Purifying Essence (1001319) None Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284) Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450281) 30x Depth Corruption Rune (1001312) 30x Depth Poison Rune (1001313) 15x Depth Corruption Essence (1001320) 15x Depth Poison Essence (1001321) None Engraved Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450285) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Para poder hacer la armadura tradeable debes involucionarlas con el mismo reform pide 3500 puntos re reputación Unengraved Depth Equipment Reform Engraved Armor Materiales Refine/Grade Change Unengraved Armor Engraved Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450282) 60x Depth Flame Rune (1001306) 60x Depth Earth Rune (1001307) 30x Depth Flame Essence (1001314) 30x Depth Earth Essence (1001315) None Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450274) Engraved Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] (450283) 60x Depth Ice Rune (1001308) 60x Depth Storm Rune (1001309) 30x Depth Ice Essence (1001316) 30x Depth Storm Essence (1001317) None Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] (450279) Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284) 60x Depth Soul Rune (1001310) 60x Depth Purification Rune (1001311) 30x Depth Soul Essence (1001318) 30x Depth Purifying Essence (1001319) None Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450280) Engraved Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450285) 60x Depth Corruption Rune (1001312) 60x Depth Poison Rune (1001313) 30x Depth Corruption Essence (1001320) 30x Depth Poison Essence (1001321) None Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450281) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enchants!!! Para poder poner enchants en las armaduras debes tener mínimo 1000 de reputación Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450274) Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] (450279) Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450280) Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450281)
  4. NPC /navi itemmall 41/53 Hable con el NPC para seleccionar qué categoría intercambiar NOTA: Cada Kachua's Secret Key tiene un % de dar un [Kachua] Mileage Coupon. También puedes cambiar 2 Silvervine por 1 [Kachua] Mileage Coupon en el mismo NPC La lista puede aumentar o cambiar cada mes. 3-1 Job Group Skill Shadow IMG Item Currency Amount Ignition Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Cold Breath Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Fire Breath Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Sonic Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Strain Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Jack Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Chain Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Crimson Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Vulcan Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Boomerang Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Arms Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Tornado Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Duple Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Magnus Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Adora Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Judex Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Rolling Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Ripper Slasher Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Slash Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Katar Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Shooting Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Arrow Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Aimed Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Cluster Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 3-2 Job Group Skill Shadow IMG Item Currency Amount Banishing Cannon Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Brand Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Genesis Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Chain Press Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Grave Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Dust Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Varetyr Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Psychic Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Spore Bomb Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Cannon Cart Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Crazy Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Cart Tornado Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Knuckle Arrow Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Sky Blow Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Rampage Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Tiger Cannon Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Menace Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Shadowspell Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Triangle Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Feint Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Rainstorm Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Metallic Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Arrow Vulcan Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Reverberation Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Extended Job Group Skill Shadow IMG Item Currency Amount Moonlight Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Sunshine Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Stardust Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Es Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Evil Curse Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Cross Shuriken Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Kunai Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Wind Spear Petal Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 First Exploding Draft Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 God Hammer Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Shatter Buster Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Tail Dragon Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Trip Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Flare Dance Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Super Magic Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Super Power Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Silvervine Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Catnip Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Savage Rabbit Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 Picky Rush Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 15 General Job Shadow IMG Item Currency Amount Rune Knight Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Royal Guard Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Warlock Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Sorcerer Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Mechanic Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Genetic Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Archbishop Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Sura Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Guillotine Cross Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Shadow Chaser Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Ranger Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Wanderer Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Minstrel Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Star Emperor Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Soul Reaper Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Kagerou Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Oboro Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Rebellion Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Super Novice Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 10 Doram Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 40 Shadow Cube IMG Item Currency Amount Mammoth Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 40 Gemstone Shadow Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 40 Penetration Shadow Cube I [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 35 Penetration Shadow Cube II [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 35 Tempest Shadow Cube I [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 35 Tempest Shadow Cube II [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 35 Refine, Reform, Useful Goods IMG Item Currency Amount Modified Thanos Refine Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Thanos Upgrade Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 30 Hero's Weapon Modification Box I [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Hero's Weapon Modification Box II [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Hero's Weapon Modification Box III [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Hero's Weapon Modification Box IV [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Hero's Weapon Modification Box V [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Hero's Weapon Modification Box VI [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Adulter Weapon Modification Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer I [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer II [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer III [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer IV [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer V [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer VI [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 OS-LT Helm Refine Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 OSAD Weapon Refine Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Poenitentia Weapon Refine Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Varmundt Armor Refine Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Special Hat Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Vivatus Weapon Refine Hammer [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Biological Lab Helmet +11 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Temporal Circlet +11 Refine Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Biological Lab Weapon +12 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Automatic Armor +11 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Warrior's Helm +12 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Geffen Magic Tournament +12 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Temporal +11 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 OS Weapon +11 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Racing Cap +11 Refinement Cube [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Blacksmith's Blessing Box (3) [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Hollgrehenn's Shadow Refine Hammer Box (3) [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 20 Cillit Pong Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 200 Shadow Exchange Ticket [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Enchantment Ticket Envelope [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 100 Tuktak Boxes IMG Item Currency Amount Sealed Boss Card Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 50 Full Penetration Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Full Tempest Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Maximum Mammonth Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 True Gemstone Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Auto Spell Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Hasty Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Durable Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Freezing Trap [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Experience Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Clever Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Infinity Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Lord Bearer's Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Mega Blitz Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Absolve Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Reload Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Spell Caster Shadow Thump Box [Kachua] Mileage Coupon 75 Silvervine x Coupon IMG Item Currency Amount [Kachua] Mileage Coupon Silvervine 2 Drops adicionales Poenitentia Weapon Refine Hammer Tomb Of Remorse (MVP) Vivatus Weapon Refine Hammer Villa of Deception (Normal) (MVP) Villa of Deception (Hard) (MVP) Clock Tower Basement Refine Hammer Gobling King (MVP) Helm of Faith Refine Hammer Betelgeuse (MVP)
  5. New 3 Dungeon Varmundt's Biosphere Varmundt's Biosphere - Soul IMG Monster Soul Nightmare HP: 20,546,481 Soul Whisper HP: 22,972,272 Soul Marionette HP: 21,231,385 Soul Noxious HP: 22,617,342 Soul The Paper HP: 15,661,647 Soul Gajomart HP: 19,321,540 Soul Odium HP: 5,250,000 Soul Gloom Under Night HP: 155,250,000 Varmundt's Biosphere - Venom IMG Monster Venom Comodo HP: 15.638.303 Venom Poison Toad HP: 25.004.875 Venom Side Winder HP: 21.647.766 Venom Cramp HP: 21.428.351 Venom Kukre HP: 22.039.978 Venom Nepenthes HP: 24.880.155 Venom Angra Mantis HP: 21.4713.53 Venom Enhanced Chimera HP: 161.656.318 Varmundt's Biosphere - Temple IMG Monster Temple Rudo HP: 18.800.875 Temple Archangeling HP: 23.915.179 Temple Fake Angel HP: 18.473.541 Temple Plasma HP: 25.305.137 Temple Solace HP: 22.123.919 Temple Anopheles HP: 15.421.722 Temple Gryphon HP: 36.644.960 Temple Valkyrie Randgris HP: 161.452.478 Upgrade Stones Drop Accessory Enhancement Ore (Low) Accessory Enhancement Ore (Intermediate) Accessory Enhancement Ore (High) Accessory Upgrade Stone (Low) Accessory Upgrade Stone (Intermediate) Accessory Upgrade Stone (High) Armor Enhancement Ore (Low) Armor Enhancement Ore (Intermediate) Armor Enhancment Gemstone (Advanced) Armor Upgrade Stone (Low) Armor Upgrade Stone (Intermediate) Armor Upgrade Stone (High) Varmundt Ring Weapon Enhancement Ore (Low) Weapon Enhancement Ore (Intermediate) Weapon Enhancement Ore (High) Weapon Upgrade Stone (Low) Weapon Upgrade Stone (Intermediate) Weapon Upgrade Stone (High) Drops unico de cada dungeon Varmundt's Biosphere - Soul Varmundt Soul Essence Soul Rune Fragment Soul Rune Varmundt's Biosphere - Venom Varmundt Venom Essence Venom Rune Fragment Venom Rune Varmundt's Biosphere - Temple Varmundt Temple Essence Temple Rune Fragment Temple Rune Drops excusivos de los MVP Varmundt Refine Hammer Blacksmith's Blessing Reformed Rune Equipment Varmundt Equipment Reform Base Item Materials Refine/Grade Change Result Item +7~+20 Varmundt Fire Rune Armor [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Fire Rune Boots [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Fire Rune Manteau [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Armor Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Fire Rune 50x Flame Essence none Fire Rune Armor [1] or Fire Rune Boots [1] or Fire Rune Manteau [1] +7~+20 Varmundt Glade Rune Armor [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Glade Rune Boots [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Glade Rune Manteau [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Armor Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Glade Rune 50x Glade Essence none Glade Rune Armor [1] or Glade Rune Boots [1] or Glade Rune Manteau [1] +7~+20 Varmundt Ice Rune Armor [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Ice Rune Boots [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Ice Rune Manteau [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Armor Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Ice Rune 50x Ice Essence none Ice Rune Armor [1] or Ice Rune Boots [1] or Ice Rune Manteau [1] +7~+20 Varmundt Death Rune Robe [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Death Rune Boots [1] or +7~+20 Varmundt Death Rune Manteau [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Armor Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Death Rune 50x Death Essence none Death Rune Robe [1] or Death Rune Boots [1] or Death Rune Manteau [1] Varmundt Soul Ring [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Accessory Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Soul Rune 50x Varmundt Soul Essence none Soul Rune Ring [1] Varmundt Soul Ring [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Accessory Upgrade Stone (Superior) 5x Soul Rune 10x Varmundt Soul Water none Soul Magic Ring [1] Varmundt Venom Ring [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Accessory Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Venom Rune 50x Varmundt Venom Essence none Venom Rune Ring [1] Varmundt Venom Ring [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Accessory Upgrade Stone (Superior) 5x Venom Rune 10x Varmundt Venom Water none Venom Magic Ring [1] Varmundt Temple Ring [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Accessory Upgrade Stone (Superior) 20x Temple Rune 50x Varmundt Temple Essence none Temple Rune Ring [1] Varmundt Temple Ring [1] 300x Zelunium 500x Varmeal Ticket 100x Accessory Upgrade Stone (Superior) 5x Temple Rune 10x Varmundt Temple Water none Temple Magic Ring [1] Rune Equipment Plain Flame Ice Death Glade Rune Armor [1] Armor engraved with Varmundt's Glade Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of the glade. _______________________ For each 25 base VIT: STA +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +5%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by 15%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] MaxHP +5% [Grade C] STA +5, MaxHP +5%. [Grade B] Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, STA +5. _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Fire Rune Armor [1] Armor engraved with Varmundt's Fire Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of flame. _______________________ For each 25 base STR: POW +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +5%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 15%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 15%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] ATK +5% [Grade C] POW +5, ATK +5%. [Grade B] Melee Physical Damage +10%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, POW +5. _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Ice Rune Armor [1] Armor engraved with Varmundt's Ice Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of ice. _______________________ For each 25 base DEX: CON +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +5%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 15%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] ATK +5% [Grade C] CON +5, ATK +5%. [Grade B] Ranged Physical Damage +10%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, CON +5. _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Death Rune Robe [1] Robe engraved with Varmundt's Death Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of death. _______________________ For each 25 base INT: SPL +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MATK +5%, S.MATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] MATK +5% [Grade C] SPL +5, MATK +5%. [Grade B] Magical Damage with every element +10%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, SPL +5. _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Glade Rune Manteau [1] A manteau engraved with Varmundt's Glade Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of the glade. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every race by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Glade Rune Armor and Glade Rune Boots: For each 30 base VIT: STA +1 MaxHP +20% Decreases damage taken from enemies of Earth element by 10%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] MaxHP +5% [Grade C] MaxHP +5%, RES +5, MRES +5. [Grade B] Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%, RES +5, MRES +5. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Fire Rune Manteau [1] A manteau engraved with Varmundt's Fire Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of flame. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +10% _______________________ When equipped with Fire Rune Armor and Fire Rune Boots: For each 30 base STR: POW +1 Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 10%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] ATK +5% [Grade C] ATK +5%, P.ATK +5. [Grade B] Melee Physical Damage +10%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Ice Rune Manteau [1] A manteau engraved with Varmundt's Ice Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of ice. _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Ice Rune Armor and Ice Rune Boots: For each 30 base DEX: CON +1 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 10%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 15%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] ATK +5% [Grade C] ATK +5%, P.ATK +5. [Grade B] Ranged Physical Damage +10%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Death Rune Manteau [1] A manteau engraved with Varmundt's Death Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of death. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +10% _______________________ When equipped with Death Rune Armor and Death Rune Boots: For each 30 base INT: SPL +1 Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 10%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 10%. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] MATK +5% [Grade C] MATK +5%, S.MATK +5. [Grade B] Magical Damage with every element +10%. [Grade A] Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%,S.MATK +2. _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Glade Rune Boots [1] Boots engraved with Varmundt's Glade Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of glade. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +10%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.2 seconds. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] MaxHP +5% [Grade C] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.3 seconds. [Grade B] MaxHP +7%, Variable Casting Time of all skills -5%. [Grade A] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.2 seconds. _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Fire Rune Boots [1] Boots engraved with Varmundt's Flame Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of flame. _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +5%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.2 seconds. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] ATK +5% [Grade C] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.3 seconds. [Grade B] ATK +5%, P.ATK +5 [Grade A] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.2 seconds. _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Ice Rune Boots [1] Boots engraved with Varmundt's Ice Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of ice. _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +5%, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.4 seconds. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] ATK +5% [Grade C] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.3 seconds. [Grade B] ATK +5%, P.ATK +5 [Grade A] C.RATE +1, P.ATK +2 _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Death Rune Boots [1] Boots engraved with Varmundt's Death Rune magic. The imprint is amplified with the essence of death. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MATK +5%, S.MATK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%. Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.2 seconds. _______________________ [Bonus by Grade] [Grade D] MATK +5% [Grade C] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.3 seconds. [Grade B] MATK +5%, S.MATK +5 [Grade A] Fixed Casting Time of all skills -0.2 seconds, S.MATK +2. _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 45 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Rune Rings Soul Venom Temple Soul Magic Ring [1] Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%). _______________________ Type: Accessory (Left) Defense: 10 Weight: 20 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Venom Magic Ring [1] Increases Melee Physical Damage by 15%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%). _______________________ Type: Accessory (Left) Defense: 10 Weight: 20 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Temple Magic Ring [1] Increases all elemental magical damage by 15%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%). _______________________ Type: Accessory (Left) Defense: 10 Weight: 20 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Soul Rune Ring [1] Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%). _______________________ Type: Accessory (Right) Defense: 10 Weight: 20 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Venom Rune Ring [1] Increases Melee Physical Damage by 15%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%). _______________________ Type: Accessory (Right) Defense: 10 Weight: 20 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 Temple Rune Ring [1] Increases all elemental magical damage by 15%. Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%). _______________________ Type: Accessory (Right) Defense: 10 Weight: 20 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 230 New Rune Stones / Water Conversion Soul Rune 20,000z 10x Soul Rune Fragment Venom Rune 20,000z 10x Venom Rune Fragment Temple Rune 20,000z 10x Temple Rune Fragment Varmundt Soul Water 20,000z 5x Glade Essence 5x Flame Essence 5x Ice Essence 5x Death Essence 5x Varmundt Soul Essence Varmundt Temple Water 20,000z 5x Glade Essence 5x Flame Essence 5x Ice Essence 5x Death Essence 5x Varmundt Temple Essence Varmundt Venom Water 20,000z 5x Glade Essence 5x Flame Essence 5x Ice Essence 5x Death Essence 5x Varmundt Venom Essence NOTA: La usar el reform system en los equipos vardmunt estos conservan sus enchants. Link -> Enchantment System <-
  6. Episodio 19.1 - Issgard, Land of Snow Flowers Mapas Map Image Name Map Name BGM # Monsters icecastle Issgard Ice Castle 188 - icas_in Inside the Ice Castle 188 - jor_tail Frozen Tail 187 Ice Gangu Shining Seaweed jor_back1 Frozen Scale Hills 187 Ice Gangu Shining Seaweed Ice Straw jor_back2 Frozen Scale Plains 187 Ice Gangu Ice Straw Unfrost Flower Limacina jor_back3 Frozen Scale Glaciers 187 Ice Gangu Calmaring Primitive Rgan Lowest Rgan Limacina Ultra Limacina (MVP) (Respawn: 12:00HR ~ 18:00HR) jor_ab01 Abandoned Pit Fl 1 189 Cave Calmaring Cave Flower Wasted Primitive Rgan Hallucigenia Baby Modified Senior Rgan jor_ab02 Abandoned Pit Fl 2 189 One Eye Dollocaris Hallucigenia Entangled Intermediate Rgan Wasted Intermediate Rgan Two Eyes Dollocaris jor_dun01 Snake God's Warmth Fl 1 189 Primitive Rgan Heart Hunter AT Lowest Rgan Lesser Rgan jor_dun02 Snake God's Warmth Fl 2 189 Heart Hunter AT Lowest Rgan Lesser Rgan Intermediate Rgan jor_nest Snake's Nest 190 - Mas información : Episode 19: Issgard, Land of Snow Flowers Nueva Instancia Airship Crash Level Required: 215 Party Count: 1+ Location: /navi dali02 137/86 Cooldown: 3 Days Rewards: Ymir Fragment Ymir Ore Unknown Stat Boots [1] Contaminated Card Book Descripción general: Al llegar a la isla, será recibido por un científico que le indicará que se dirija a la cueva para reunirse con el grupo de expedición. Ve al portal de entrada marcado en el minimapa. Cuando entres en la cueva, encontrarás al equipo de expedición. 1. Professor Hable con el profesor para recibir información sobre la situación y el proceso de investigación. Habla de nuevo con el profesor para unirte al grupo de investigación. (2da Opción) Cuidado: cuando te unas a la investigación, aparecerán monstruos incluso encima de ti. 2. Kill Quests Habla con el Estudiante (NPC #2) para recibir una misión en la que debes matar monstruos del mapa. No puedes realizar varias misiones a la vez. Consejo: evite la misión 350 y repita la misión 200 para obtener la mejor recompensa. Quest Reward Kill 100 Monsters 1 Ymir Fragment Unlocks Kill 200 Monster quest Kill 200 Monsters 2 Ymir Fragment Unlocks Kill 350 Monster quest Kill 350 Monsters 3 Ymir Fragment 3. Escape Rope Indicator Habla con el Estudiante (NPC #3) para aprender acerca de las Rope Piles. Como no puede teletransportarse en instancias, puede usar Rope Piles para teletransportarse de regreso al grupo de investigación. Seleccione la Opción 2 para marcar su minimapa con amarillo + indicando todas las ubicaciones de los Rope Piles 4. Entrega fragmentos Habla con el Fantasma (NPC #4) quien te informará sobre cómo invocar al MVP. Dale 55 Ymir Fragments para convocar al MVP. IMG Monster Decaying Tree Molten Poring Graveworm Brain Sucker Mosquito MD_Airboat_Boss MD_Airboat_Boss2 MD_Airboat_Boss3 MD_Airboat_Boss4 Rewards Todos los monstruos tienen la posibilidad de arrojar Ymir Ore El MVP tiene la posibilidad de dejar caer los siguientes elementos con poca probabilidad: Unknown STR Boots [1] Unknown DEX Boots [1] Unknown VIT Boots [1] Unknown INT Boots [1] Unknown AGI Boots [1] Unknown LUK Boots [1] Ymir Beads Contaminated Card Book Item Exchange Location: /navi dali02 134/87 IMG Item Currency Amount Ymir Beads 150,000z Ymir Fragments 17 Unknown STR Boots [1] Ymir Fragments 185 Unknown DEX Boots [1] Ymir Fragments 185 Unknown VIT Boots [1] Ymir Fragments 185 Unknown INT Boots [1] Ymir Fragments 185 Unknown AGI Boots [1] Ymir Fragments 185 Unknown LUK Boots [1] Ymir Fragments 185 Contaminated Card Book Ymir Fragments 2500 Enchantment Usas Ymir Beads para encantar tus Unknown Boots. Nota: La opción de línea 1 está garantizada. Existe la posibilidad de que no se aplique la opción de línea 2. Line Option Possible Enchant 1 MHP + 1% ~ 10% MSP + 1% ~ 10% 2 HP Recovery + 25% ~ 50% SP Recovery + 25% ~ 50% MHP + 50 ~ 1000 MSP + 10 ~ 300 Attack Speed + 1% ~ 7% Variable Cast Time - 1% ~ 10% Otros Cambios Se añadio al Poring Coin Shop los Poring Family Balloons Poring Balloon Marin Balloon Drops Balloon Santa Poring Balloon Poporing Balloon Metalring Balloon Devilring Balloon Angelring Balloon Ghostring Balloon Arch Angelring Balloon Todos en 1000 Poring Coins Enchants en /navi itemmall 31/70 Se agrego por drop en Clock Tower: Unknow Basement: Rabbit Pattern Shirt [1] Witch's Broom [2] Corrode Garden Knife [2] Kro mob ajuste Niflheim dungeon 1 y 2 Gan Cean HP OLD: 4.681.632 HP NEW: 11.785.610 Disguiser HP OLD: 8.965.513 HP NEW: 42.303.800 Brutal Murderer HP OLD: 4.960.787 HP NEW: 13.909.270 Ghost Cube HP OLD: 4.439.942 HP NEW: 12.735.150 Lude Gal HP OLD: 4.439.942 HP NEW: 12.840.680 Blue Moon Loli Ruri HP OLD: 9.301.992 HP NEW: 46.338.500 Grote HP OLD: 9.929.035 HP NEW: 47.842.600 Pierrotzoist HP OLD: 9.701.992 HP NEW: 38.506.310 Temporal Circlet ahora son tradeables Mob Extra Joker ya no es inmune
  7. Instancia Geffen Night Area Level Required: 210 Party Count: 1+ Location: /navi dali02 79/60 Cooldown: 1 dia Prerequisite: Habla con Greedy Looking Man /navi geffen_in 82/62 Rewards: Geffen Arena Coin (NOTA: esto es diferente de esto Geffen Magic Contest Coin) Geffen Arena Certificate Geffen Arena Champion Certificate Descripción general Hay 10 rondas. Cada ronda aumenta la salud del enemigo. El anfitrión de la arena anunciará la salud del enemigo por ronda. Cada ronda puede ser un enemigo diferente excepto la última ronda (Fenrir). A diferencia del Geffen Magic Tournament, solo puedes obtener recompensas si completas la ronda y decides abandonar. Midnight Fenrir (Ronda 10) recibe un 90% menos de daño Tienes un minuto para completar cada ronda. Puedes traer una party a la instancia. Si algún miembro del grupo muere, se impone una penalización en la que el enemigo no sufrirá daños hasta que todos los miembros del grupo resuciten. Round Approximate Monster Health 1 4,800,000 2 12,400,000 3 34,700,000 4 107,600,000 5 362,400,000 6 516,300,000 7 555,900,000 8 972,300,000 9 1,337,300,000 10 1,416,300,000 Monsters IMG Monster Midnight Archi Midnight Dio Anemos Midnight Geffen Thief Midnight Geffen Thug Midnight Geffen Gangster Midnight Pa - Monk Midnight Ordre Midnight Blut Hase Midnight Kuro Akuma Midnight Ipodus Midnight Rechenier Midnight Odorico Midnight Jew Midnight D.Y. Midnight Fei Kanabian Midnight Alphonse Midnight Fenrir Rewards Recordatorio: solo puede obtener recompensas si completa la ronda y decide salir. Si pierdes en una ronda, no obtienes nada. Completed Round Geffen Arena Coin Geffen Arena Certificate Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 1 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 4 0 0 4 6 1 0 5 9 1 0 6 14 2 0 7 22 2 1 8 35 3 1 9 56 4 2 10 89 5 3 Item Exchange Puedes intercambiar tus recompensas por Gears y Enchants Items Lista de productos predeterminada IMG Item Currency Amount Anti-magic Suit [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Geffen Magic Robe [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Anti Magic Manteau [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Geffen Magic Muffler [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Magic Reflector [1] Geffen Arena Coin 45 Revised Encyclopedia [1] Geffen Arena Coin 45 Physical Enhancer Ring [1] Geffen Arena Coin 60 Magic Intensifier Ring [1] Geffen Arena Coin 60 Lista de productos especiales IMG Item Currency Amount Anti Conjurer Suit [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Anti-magic Suit [1] 1 Magic Protector Robe [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Geffen Magic Robe [1] 1 Magic Barrier Manteau [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Anti Magic Manteau [1] 1 Magic Barrier Muffler [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Anti Magic Manteau [1] 1 Ravage Magic Manteau [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Geffen Magic Muffler [1] 1 Ravage Magic Muffler [1] Geffen Arena Coin 30 Geffen Magic Muffler [1] 1 Magic Absorber [1] Geffen Arena Coin 45 Magic Reflector [1] 1 Encyclopedia Complete Edition [1] Geffen Arena Coin 45 Revised Encyclopedia [1] 1 Force Condenser [1] Geffen Arena Coin 60 Physical Enhancer Ring [1] 1 Mental Condenser [1] Geffen Arena Coin 60 Magic Intensifier Ring [1] 1 Blazing Magical Jewel 150,000z Geffen Arena Certificate 1 Geffen Arena Coin 15 Sunken Magical Jewel 150,000z Geffen Arena Certificate 1 Geffen Arena Coin 15 Growth Magical Jewel 100,000z Geffen Arena Certificate 1 Geffen Arena Coin 25 Shining Magical Jewel 200,000z Geffen Arena Certificate 1 Geffen Arena Coin 15 Card Exhcnage IMG Item Currency Amount Midnight Archi Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Archi Card 7 Midnight Dio Anemos Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Dio Anemos Card 7 Midnight Geffen Thief Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Geffen Thief Card 7 Midnight Geffen Gangster Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Geffen Gangster Card 7 Midnight Geffen Thug Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Geffen Thug Card 7 Midnight Pa - Monk Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Pa - Monk Card 7 Midnight Ordre Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Ordre Card 7 Midnight Blut Hase Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Blut Hase Card 7 Midnight Kuro Akuma Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Kuro Akuma Card 7 Midnight Ipodus Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Ipodus Card 7 Midnight Odorico Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Odorico Card 7 Midnight Rechenier Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Rechenier Card 7 Midnight Jew Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Jew Card 7 Midnight Fei Kanabian Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 Fei Kanabian Card 7 Midnight D.Y. Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 10 D.Y. Card 7 Enchantment Lapine Upgrade Item Target Gears Blazing Magical Jewel Anti Conjurer Suit [1] Magic Protector Robe [1] Sunken Magical Jewel Magic Barrier Manteau [1] Magic Barrier Muffler [1] Ravage Magic Manteau [1] Ravage Magic Muffler [1] Growth Magical Jewel Force Condenser [1] Mental Condenser [1] Shining Magical Jewel Magic Absorber [1] Encyclopedia Complete Edition [1] Armor Enchantment Nota: las opciones de línea 1 y 2 están garantizadas. Existe la posibilidad de que no se aplique la opción de línea 3. Line Option Possible Enchant 1 MHP + 100 ~ 1500 MSP + 100 ~ 500 MHP + 1% ~ 10% MSP + 1% ~ 10% 2 HP Recovery + 30% ~ 65% SP Recovery + 30% ~ 65% FLEE + 2 ~ 30 DEF + 10 ~ 55 MDEF + 1 ~ 6 Healing Received + 5% ~ 10% Variable Cast Time - 1% ~ 10% Reduced physical damage from monsters of a specific elemental property by 5% ~ 10% Reduced magical damage from monsters of a specific elemental property by 5% ~ 10% 3 MHP + 100 ~ 1500 MSP + 100 ~ 500 Garment Enchantment Nota: las opciones de línea 1 y 2 están garantizadas. Existe la posibilidad de que no se aplique la opción de línea 3. Line Option Possible Enchant 1 MHP + 100 ~ 1000 MSP + 10 ~ 300 MHP + 1% ~ 5% MSP + 1% ~ 5% 2 FLEE + 5 ~ 20 DEF + 5 ~ 60 MDEF + 1 ~ 6 Healing Received + 5% ~ 10% Variable Cast Time - 1% ~ 10% Reduced physical damage from monsters of a specific elemental property by 5% ~ 10% Reduced magical damage from monsters of a specific elemental property by 5% ~ 10% Specific Element Resistance + 1% ~ 5% 3 MHP + 200 ~ 800 MSP + 50 ~ 300 Accessory Enchantment Nota: La opción de línea 1 está garantizada. Existe la posibilidad de que no se aplique la opción de línea 2. Line Option Possible Enchant 1 Attack Speed + 3% ~ 7% Variable Cast Time - 5% ~ 10% CRIT + 5 ~ 10 Fire Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% Water Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% Earth Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% Wind Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% SP Consumption - 3% ~ 5% MHP + 1% ~ 5% MSP + 1% ~ 5% ATK + 1% ~ 5% MATK + 1% ~ 5% 2 Attack Speed + 3% ~ 5% Variable Cast Time - 5% ~ 8% CRIT + 5 ~ 8 Fire Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% Water Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% Earth Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% Wind Property Resistance + 3% ~ 5% SP Consumption - 3% ~ 5% MHP + 1% ~ 3% MSP + 1% ~ 3% ATK + 1% ~ 3% MATK + 1% ~ 3% Shield Enchantment Note: Las opciones de línea 1 y 2 están garantizadas. Existe la posibilidad de que no se aplique la opción de línea 3. Line Option Possible Enchant 1 MDEF + 3 ~ 10 DEF + 30 ~ 100 MHP + 100 ~ 1000 MSP + 20 ~ 200 Specific Racial Resistance + 2% ~ 7% Magical Damage to Specific Race + 1% ~ 5% Physical Damage to Specific Race + 1% ~ 5% Heal Recovery + 5% ~ 10% Variable Cast Time - 1% ~ 5% 2 MHP + 100 ~ 1000 MSP + 20 ~ 200 MDEF + 3 ~ 10 DEF + 30 ~ 100 Specific Racial Resistance + 2% ~ 7% Magical Damage to Specific Race + 1% ~ 5% Physical Damage to Specific Race + 1% ~ 5% Heal Recovery + 5% ~ 10% Attack Speed - 1% ~ 5% 3 ASPD + 1 Magical Damage to Specific Race + 5% ~ 10% Ignore Magical Defense of Specific Race + 30% ~ 60% Ignore Magical Defense of Normal Monsters + 30% ~ 60% Ignore Magical Defense of Boss Monsters + 30% ~ 60% Physical Damage to Specific Race + 5% ~ 10% Ignore Physical Defense of Specific Race + 30% ~ 60% Ignore Physical Defense of Normal Monsters + 30% ~ 60% Ignore Physical Defense of Boss Monsters + 30% ~ 60% After Cast Delay - 1% ~ 3%
  8. Instancia Constellation Tower Se resetea a las 4AM hora de Chile Level Required: 240 Party Count: 1+ Location: /navi alberta 214/77 Cooldown: 1 Dia New Monster A diferencia de Endless Tower, donde tenía monstruos específicos y MVP en pisos designados, los pisos de Constellation Tower tienen todos los monstruos aleatorios por piso. Estos monstruos son fuertes y, a medida que subes a la torre, seguirán haciéndose más fuertes tanto en HP como en Ataque. Al llegar al piso 25, puedes optar por luchar contra Naght Sieger (Fácil), continuar hasta el piso 50 para luchar contra Betelgeuse (Medium) o continuar hasta el piso 75 para luchar contra Betelgeuse (Difícil). Elija con cuidado ya que no puede volver a la Torre desde la sala del jefe final y espera 1 día para volver a intentar la instancia. Se recomienda tener al menos 30 minutos restantes para la batalla final. Si siguió adelante para luchar contra Betelgeuse, aparecerá Oscar para preguntarle si desea fortalecer al jefe. Oscar requerirá 20 Meteorite Powder para obtener atributos aleatorios para Betelgeuse. Estos atributos son HP, Damage, Heal, Defense y Traps. Puedes sacar estrellas del 1 al 3. Oscar te permitirá cambiar las estadísticas tantas veces como quieras. A medida que aumenta la dificultad, también lo hacen las recompensas tanto en cantidad como en tipo de cofres. Rewards Todos los mobs en la instancia tienen la posibilidad de dropear Meteorite Powder Al derrotar al MVP final, obtendrás 5 Meteorite Fragment y 2 Meteorite Powder Al derrotar a Betelgeuse en una dificultad mayor, aparecerán cofres del tesoro especiales que pueden arrojar los siguientes items: Meteorite Dust of Power Meteorite Dust of Stamina Meteorite Dust of Concentration Meteorite Dust of Creative Meteorite Dust of Spell Meteorite Dust of Wisdom Soul of Naght Sieger Soul of Betelgeuse Item Exchange Puede regresar a Misty Island para usar las dos máquinas expendedoras para intercambiar sus recompensas. Nebula Armors IMG Item Currency Amount Meteorite Fragment Meteorite Powder 50 Faint Star's Robe [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Soul of Naght Sieger 5 Faint Star's Suit [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Soul of Naght Sieger 5 Faint Star's Armor [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Soul of Naght Sieger 5 Nebula Armor of Power [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Meteorite Dust of Power 30 Soul of Betelgeuse 10 Faint Star's Armor [1] 1 Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Meteorite Dust of Stamina 30 Soul of Betelgeuse 10 Faint Star's Armor [1] 1 Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Meteorite Dust of Concentration 30 Soul of Betelgeuse 10 Faint Star's Suit [1] 1 Nebula Suit of Creative [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Meteorite Dust of Creative 30 Soul of Betelgeuse 10 Faint Star's Suit [1] 1 Nebula Robe of Spell [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Meteorite Dust of Spell 30 Soul of Betelgeuse 10 Faint Star's Robe [1] 1 Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] Meteorite Fragment 50 Meteorite Dust of Wisdom 30 Soul of Betelgeuse 10 Faint Star's Robe [1] 1 Stelar Accessories Stellar Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 100 Soul of Naght Sieger 10 Stellar Power Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 250 Meteorite Dust of Power 50 Soul of Betelgeuse 20 Stellar Seal [1] 1 Stellar Stamina Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 250 Meteorite Dust of Stamina 50 Soul of Betelgeuse 20 Stellar Seal [1] 1 Stellar Concentration Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 250 Meteorite Dust of Concentration 50 Soul of Betelgeuse 20 Stellar Seal [1] 1 Stellar Creative Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 250 Meteorite Dust of Creative 50 Soul of Betelgeuse 20 Stellar Seal [1] 1 Stellar Spell Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 250 Meteorite Dust of Spell 50 Soul of Betelgeuse 20 Stellar Seal [1] 1 Stellar Wisdom Seal [1] Meteorite Fragment 250 Meteorite Dust of Wisdom 50 Soul of Betelgeuse 20 Stellar Seal [1] 1 Nota: Link enchants HazyForest
  9. Cambios y Arreglos Silvervine Cat Fruit Se eliminaran de los Field Farm y ahora quedaran en MVP de instancias y Cash Shop. Con los siguientes drops 1 Silvervine = 100% 1 Caja de 10 Unidades = 3% Botas Temporal Modified Con y Sin Slot Temporal Modified STR Boots Temporal Modified INT Boots Temporal Modified AGI Boots Temporal Modified VIT Boots Temporal Modified DEX Boots Temporal Modified LUK Boots Ya se pueden equipo en Job Extended NPC Illusion Dungeon Armors /navi paramk 78/31 Se actualizo con los últimos accesorios, armor y manteau illusion NPC Illusion Dungeon Weapons /navi paramk 65/31 Se actualizo con las ultimas Weapons illusion Se agregaron nuevas cajas en el Field Farm Garama Desert Costume Enchant Stone Box 22 = 100502 Costume Enchant Stone Box 23 = 100721 Costume Enchant Stone Box 24 = 100920 Costume Enchant Stone Box 25 = 101103 Costume Enchant Stone Box 26 = 101271 Costume Enchant Stone Box 27 = 101416
  10. Nueva Intancia Endless Cellar La instancia está disponible a través del warper NPC. Cooldown: 24 horas Esta instancia cuenta con 77 Pisos Salen mobs variados Hay MVP especiales en los siguientes pisos 25 - 50 - 76 Cada uno tiene un drop distinto Piso 25 - Queen Maut: Cuenta con 90% de resistencia Drops: Blacksmith Blessing Mystical Card Album Costume Floating Ice Piso 50 - Bevroren Golem: Cuenta con 90% de resistencia Drops: Blacksmith Blessing Mystical Card Album Costume Floating Shields Piso 76 - Shujae: Cuenta con 90% de resistencia Drops: Blacksmith Blessing Mystical Card Album Costume Valkyrie Wings Final MVP - Death Lord: Cuenta con 90% de resistencia Drops: Alca Bringer Lord of the Dead Helm [1] Costume Lord of Death Royal Guardian Ring [1] Costume Crown of Ancient King Grenn Costume Crown of Ancient King Purple Dead King Card Item Helms of Faith I Box Helm of Faith (Warlock) Helm of Faith (Sura) Helm of Faith (Archbishop) Helm of Faith (Shadow Chaser) Helm of Faith (Ranger) Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) Helm of Faith (Guillotine Cross) Helm of Faith (Sorcerer) Helm of Faith (Rune Knight) Helm of Faith (Minstrel & Wanderer) Helm of Faith (Mechanic) Helm of Faith (Genetic) Helm of Faith (Kagerou & Oboro) Helm of Faith (Rebellion) Helm of Faith (Soul Reaper) Helm of Faith (Star Emperor) Helm of Faith (Summoner) Helms of Faith II Box Helm of Faith II (Warlock) Helm of Faith II (Sura) Helm of Faith II (Archbishop) Helm of Faith II (Shadow Chaser) Helm of Faith II (Ranger) Helm of Faith II (Royal Guard) Helm of Faith II (Guillotine Cross) Helm of Faith II (Sorcerer) Helm of Faith II (Rune Knight) Helm of Faith II (Minstrel & Wanderer) Helm of Faith II (Mechanic) Helm of Faith II (Genetic) Helm of Faith II (Kagerou & Oboro) Helm of Faith II (Rebellion) Helm of Faith II (Soul Reaper) Helm of Faith II (Star Emperor) Helm of Faith II (Summoner) Heroic Token Box Heroic Token (Arch Mage) Heroic Token (Wind Hawk) Heroic Token (Imperial Guard) Heroic Token (Cardinal) Heroic Token (Shadow Cross) Heroic Token (Abyss Chaser) Heroic Token (Dragon Knight) Heroic Token (Biolo) Heroic Token (Elemental Master) Heroic Token (Troubadour/Trouvere) Heroic Token (Meister) Heroic Token (Inquisitor) Heroic Token (Shinkirou/Shirunai) Heroic Token (Night Watch) Heroic Token (Soul Ascetic) Heroic Token (Sky Emperor) Heroic Token (Spirit Handler) Heroic Token (Hyper Novice) Todas estas cajas te las da el Ultimo NPC, en las cuales salen estos items random.
  11. Booster Pack Requisitos para acceder al Booster Pack Solo para Cuentas Nuevas, no para jugadores ya existentes en el Servidor Solo para el primero personaje x1 que te crees, los demás no podrán optar al Booster Booster Bell El Booster Pack (Lv 1) contiene el Booster Bell. Se usa para llamar al Booster Assistant que les abrirá un menu con las siguientes opciones: Booster Coin Shop Booster Mission Bajo lvl 99 Quest Arriba de 99 Quest Booster Coin Exchange Booster Pack Booster Pack Noteworthy Items Booster Pack Booster Box Solo para cuentas nuevas Booster Pack (Lv 1) Metal Dagger Time Transcendent Shadow Box Starter Armor Box Booster Pack (Lv 10) Metal Weapon Box Boarding Halter 30 dias Booster Pack (Lv 20) Booster Pack (Lv 30) Booster Pack (Lv 40) Booster Pack (Lv 50) Booster Pack (Lv 60) Booster Pack (Lv 70) Booster Pack (Lv 80) Booster Pack (Lv 90) Booster Pack (Lv 100) Episode 16 Clear Ticket Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Biting Rideword [1] Booster Weapon Ticket Booster Weapon Upgrade Package 1 Booster Armor Box 1 Booster Pack (Lv 110) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 5 Booster Pack (Lv 120) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 [Event] Inventory Expansiom Voucher 3 Booster Pack (Lv 130) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 140) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 [Event] Inventory Expansiom Voucher 3 Booster Pack (Lv 150) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 160) Booster Pack (Lv 170) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 180) Booster Pack (Lv 190) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 200) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 210) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 220) Booster Pack (Lv 230) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 240) Booster Advanced Battle Manual 3 Booster Pack (Lv 250) 2024 Booster Goal Gift Box _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Quest Todas las quest se resetena a las 4AM hora de Chile. Req. Lv Area Monster Reward 1 South Prontera 10x Fabre 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Low) 11 Payon 10x Spore 10x Boa 10x Stemworm 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Low) 5 Job Potion 20 Culverts 30x Female Thiefbug 30x Male Thiefbug 20x Poison Spore 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Low) 5 Job Potion 35 Coal Mine 30x Martin 30x Skel Worker 10x Giearth 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Low) 5 Job Potion 50 Baylan Dungeon 30x Swordfish 30x Merman 30x Strouf 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Medium) 5 Job Potion 65 Payon Dungeon 30x Munak 30x Bongun 40x Sohee 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Medium) 5 Job Potion 80 Clock Tower 20x Clock 20x Punk 20x Rideword 1 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Medium) 5 Job Potion 85 Turtle Island 20x Permeter 30x Freezer 30x Heater 2 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Medium) 5 Job Potion 85 Glast Heim 80x Monsters from Glast Heim Prison 2 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Medium) 5 Job Potion 99 juperos_01 30x Water Property Monsters (Lv99~115) 30x Medium Size Monsters (Lv99~115) 30x Formless Race Monsters (Lv99~115) 3 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (High) 5 Job Potion 115 ma_fild02 30x Earth Property Monsters (Lv115~130) 30x Large Size Monsters (Lv115~130) 30x Demi-Human Race Monsters (Lv115~130) 4 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (High) 5 Job Potion 130 Old Glast Heim 30x Shadow Property Monsters (Lv130~145) 30x Small Size Monsters (Lv130~145) 30x Insect Race Monsters (Lv130~145) 4 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (High) 145 Prontera Underground Prison (Episode 16.1 /navi prt_pri00 51/116) 30x Earth Property Monsters (Lv145~160) 30x Medium Size Monsters (Lv145~160) 30x Small Size Monsters (Lv145~160) 5 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (High) 160 Nightmare Clock Tower 60x Big Bell 1x Owl Viscount 1x Owl Marquis 5 Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (Super High) 175 Glast Heim Abyss 20x Ice Ghost 20x Flame Ghost 20x Contaminated Raydric 6 Booster Coin 7 Base EXP Potion (Super High) 190 Einbech Mines 10x White Porcellio 20x Abyss Man 10x Jeweliant 6 Booster Coin 7 Base EXP Potion (Super High) 200 Banquet of the Dead 40x Monsters in nif_dun01 8 Booster Coin 215 Amicitia Floor 1 40x Monsters in amicitia01 8 Booster Coin 230 Amicitia Floor 2 40x Monsters in amicitia02 8 Booster Coin 240 Fallen Opera House 40x Monsters in nif_dun02 8 Booster Coin _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Coin Shop Use el Booster Bell y hable con el Booster Assistant (Opción 1). IMG Item Currency Amount Metal Weapon Ticket Booster Coin 1 Metal Weapon 7 Refine Ticket Booster Coin 5 Booster Armor Ticket Booster Coin 20 Booster Weapon Ticket Booster Coin 20 Booster Weapon Upgrade Package Booster Coin 20 Booster Armor Upgrade Package Booster Coin 20 Booster Mask Type A [1] Booster Coin 500 Booster Mask Type B [1] Booster Coin 500 Booster Mask Type C [1] Booster Coin 500 Base EXP Potion (Low) Booster Coin 3 Base EXP Potion (Medium) Booster Coin 5 Base EXP Potion (High) Booster Coin 10 Base EXP Potion (Super High) Booster Coin 15 [Not For Sale] All-In-One Buff Potion Booster Coin 20 World Moving Ticket Booster Coin 1 Booster Modification Stone (Physical) Booster Coin 5 Booster Modification Stone (Magical) Booster Coin 5 Booster Costume Premium Enchantment Booster Coin 1 Booster Costume Enchantment Booster Coin 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Coin Exchange Use el Booster Bell y hable con el Booster Assistant (Opción 4) IMG Item Currency Amount Booster Coin Base EXP Potion (Low) 5 Booster Coin Base EXP Potion (Medium) 5 Booster Coin Base EXP Potion (High) 5 Booster Coin Base EXP Potion (Super High) 5 Booster Coin Job Potion 15 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Metal Weapons /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con NPC (Opción 1). IMG Item Currency Amount Metal Two-Handed Sword [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Lance [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Mace [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Two-Handed Axe [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Dagger [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Book [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Staff [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Katar [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Bow [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Foxtail [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Revolver [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 Metal Huuma Shuriken [1] Metal Weapon Ticket 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Armor Box /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con el NPC (Opción 2). IMG Item Currency Amount Attack Booster Box Booster Armor Ticket 1 Range Booster Box Booster Armor Ticket 1 Elemental Booster Box Booster Armor Ticket 1 Defunct Booster Box Booster Armor Ticket 1 Nota: Attack - Physical Melee Damage Range - Long Range Damage Elemental - Magical Damage utilizing Water, Wind, Earth, Fire, and Neutral elements Defunct - Magical Damage utilizing Ghost, Holy, Shadow, Undead, and Poison elements. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Weapon /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con el NPC (Opción 3) y seleccione que arma desea. IMG Item Currency Amount Ignition Wave Booster Two-handed Sword Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Hundred Breath Booster Spear Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Vanishing Cannon Booster Spear Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Pressure Genesis Booster Sword Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Power Swing Booster Axe Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Arm Knuckle Booster Mace Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Acid Cannon Booster Club Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Hell Tornado Booster Sword Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Rolling Cross Booster Katar Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Counter Assault Booster Qatar Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Triangle Bomb Booster Bow Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Magic Fatal Booster Dagger Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Crimson Strain Booster Staff Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Chain Jack Booster Staff Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Spell Bolt Booster Book Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Elemental Spell Booster Stick Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Adonus Booster Wand Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Dupledex Booster Mace Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Rampage Arrow Booster Knuckle Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Sky Cannon Booster Knuckle Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Arrow Booster Bow Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Sharpbolt Booster Bow Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Rainstorm Booster Violin Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Rainstorm Booster Whip Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Metallic Vibration Booster Violin Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Metallic Vibration Booster Whip Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Moon Starlight Booster Book Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Sunshine Booster Book Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Evil Curse Booster Staff Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Es Booster Staff Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Wind Spear Petal Booster Huuma Shuriken Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Cross Petal Booster Huuma Shuriken Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Catnip Booster Foxtail Model Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Lunatic Picky Booster Foxtail Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Desperado Fire Booster Revolver Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Fire Round Booster Gatling Gun Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Super Psychic Booster Saber Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Super Ignition Booster Saber Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Super Novice Booster Dagger Booster Weapon Ticket 1 Super Novice Booster Wand Booster Weapon Ticket 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Shadow Equipment /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con el NPC (Opción 4). IMG Item Currency Amount Booster Shadow Armor Booster Coin 15 Booster Shadow Shield Booster Coin 15 Booster Shadow Shoes Booster Coin 15 Booster Shadow Ring Booster Coin 15 Booster Shadow Pendant Booster Coin 15 Rune Knight Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Royal Guard Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Mechanic Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Genetic Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Guillotine Cross Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Shadow Chaser Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Warlock Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Sorcerer Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Arch Bishop Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Sura Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Ranger Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Minstrel & Wanderer Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Summoner Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Star Emperor Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Kagerou & Oboro Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Rebellion Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Soul Reaper Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Super Novice Booster Shadow Weapon Booster Coin 15 Nota: Booster Shadow Equipment no se puede refinar._________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.1 Illusion Gears /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con NPC (Opción 5). IMG Item Currency Amount Illusion Armor A-Type (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Armor B-Type (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Engine A-Type (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Engine B-Type (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Leg A-Type (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Leg B-Type (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Booster L (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Booster R (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Battle Chip L (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion Battle Chip R (Bound) [1] Illusion Equipment Voucher 10 Illusion (Bound) Upgrade Package Booster Coin 20 Illusion Equipment Voucher Booster Coin 1 Nota: Todos los Illusion Gears están vinculados a los personajes. 17.1 Automatic Gears /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con NPC (Opción 6). IMG Item Currency Amount Automatic Armor A-type (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Armor B-type (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Engine wing A-type (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Engine wing B-type (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Leg A-type (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Leg B-type (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Booster R (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Booster L (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Battle Chip R (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic Battle chip L (Bound) [1] Automatic Equipment Voucher 10 Automatic (Bound) Upgrade Package Booster Coin 20 Automatic Equipment Voucher Booster Coin 1 Nota: Todos los Automatic Gears están vinculados a los personajes. 17.1 Booster Costume Enchant /navi prt_in 40/95 Habla con NPC (Opción 7). Nota: Pueden encantar con 3 Stones: Top, Middle, and Lower. pueden encantar con 2 Stones el garment Puede encantar los costumes con cualquier Job Stone que desee y no está limitado a su Job Actual. No se pueden resetear _________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.1 Illusion Gear Enchant /navi sp_cor 98/136 Nota: Los enchants son perfectos Una vez colocado el enchant no se pueden resetear 17.2 Automatic Gear Enchant /navi ba_maison 136/103 Nota: Los enchants son perfectos Una vez colocado el enchant no se pueden resetear _________________________________________________________________________________________ Booster Weapon Enchant Para encantar su Booster Weapon, puede usar la Booster Modification Stone (Physical) o la Booster Modification Stone (Magical) Lapine Upgrade para aplicar las 2 opciones . Booster Modification Stone (Physical) Line Option 1 Line Option 2 ATK + 5 ~ 30 ATK + 1% ~ 5% ASPD + 1 Critical Damage + 3% ~ 10% Attack Speed + 3% ~ 10% Physical Damage to Formless Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Ranged Physical Damage + 3% ~ 10% Physical Damage to Undead Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Neutral Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Brute Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Water Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Plant Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Earth Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Insect Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Fire Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Fish Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Wind Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Demon Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Poison Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Demi-Human Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Holy Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Angel Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Shadow Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Dragon Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Ghost Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Normal Monsters + 1% ~ 10% Physical Damage to Undead Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Physical Damage to Boss Monsters + 1% ~ 10% - Indestructible Booster Modification Stone (Magical) Line Option 1 Line Option 2 Heal Recovery + 3% ~ 20% Variable Casting Time - 3% ~ 10% Variable Casting Time - 3% ~ 10% MATK + 1% ~ 5% After Cast Delay - 1% ~ 5% Magical Damage to Formless Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Neutral Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Undead Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Water Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Brute Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Earth Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Plant Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Fire Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Insect Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Wind Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Fish Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Poison Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Demon Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Holy Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Demi-Human Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Shadow Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Angel Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Ghost Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Dragon Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Undead Property Monsters + 3% ~ 20% Magical Damage to Normal Monsters + 1% ~ 10% MATK + 5 ~ 40 Magical Damage to Boss Monsters + 1% ~ 10% Nota: No hay posibilidad de fallar. Puedes volver a encantar comprando más piedras e intentándolo de nuevo.
  12. New Dungeon Biolab Expanded Su acceso es únicamente por el Warper Npc - Warper / Dungeon / Bio Expanded En este dungeon podrás encontrar los items shadow de las siguientes clases como Gunslinger, Ninja, Taekwondo, Novice y Summoner. Cada mobs da una caja que da una parte de su Shadow Set (Da una pieza random) Los mobs están por encima del nivel 250. Esto aumenta la probabilidad de inducir Desventajas de estado en los jugadores. Toda la mobs es Mini-Boss con 90% Demage Reducction Este contiene 2 Niveles y en cada unos te encontraras con un MVP diferente. Evil Champion Evil Gm Estos mobs tienen drops únicos Ambos tienen 99% de Demage Reducction Nivel 1 de Biolab Expanded - Musashi 20446 - Kojiro 20447 - Klaus 20444 - Virih 20445 - Hasser 20449 - Evil Champion 20443 Las cajas que dropean estos mobs son las siguientes Shadow Class Ninja Box - 60026 Shadow Skill Ninja Box - 60038 Shadow Class Gunslinger Box - 60024 Shadow Skill Gunslinger Box - 60039 Shadow Skill Summoner Box - 60037 Shadow Class Summoner Box - 60027 Drop MVP Blacksmith Blessing - 6635 Invetory Expansion Voucher - 25793 Arise Cash 100 - 60078 Mystical Card Album - 12246 Nivel 2 de Biolab Expanded - Krosin 20027 - Ram Moji 20448 - Moria 20026 - Evil Tanjiro 20025 Las cajas que dropean estos mobs son las siguientes Shadow Class Super Novice Box - 60023 Shadow Skill Super Novice Box - 60040 Shadow Class Taekwon-SoulLinker Box - 60025 Shadow Skill Taekwon-SoulLinker Box - 60041 Drop MVP Blacksmith Blessing - 6635 Invetory Expansion Voucher - 25793 Arise Cash 100 - 60078 Mystical Card Album - 12246 New Dungeon Bio Ranch - Evil Cow Gertie 31207 - Evil Cow Kathryne 31206 - Evil Cow Flamel 31209 - Evil Cow Margaretha 31205 - Evil Cow Randel 31204 - Evil Cow Chen 31203 - Evil Cow Eremes 31201 - Evil Cow Trentini 31200 - Evil Cow Cecil 31208 - Evil Nezuko 31202 Las cajas que dropean estos mobs son las siguientes Sorcerer-Warlock Skill Box - 60045 Sorcerer-Warlock Class Box - 60005 Wanderer-Minstrel-Ranger Skill Box - 60004 Wanderer-Minstrel-Ranger Class Box - 60003 RoyalGuard RuneKnight Skill Box - 60044 RoyalGuard RuneKnight Class Box - 60009 Genetic-Mechanic Skill Box - 60043 Genetic-Mechanic Class Box - 60008 Sura-ArcBishop Skill Box - 60042 Sura-ArcBishop Class Box - 60007 ShadowChaser-Guillotine Skill Box - 60034 ShadowChaser-Guillotine Class Box - 60006 Drop MVP Blacksmith Blessing - 6635 Invetory Expansion Voucher - 25793 Arise Cash 100 - 60078 Mystical Card Album - 12246
  13. Otros Cambios Se agrego Green Aura a todos los MVP de la Phantom Corridor Ahora la mob de los Dungeon Varmundt's Biosphere tienen su aura singular. Se elimina error de quest Varmundt's Biosphere infinitas Quest Varmundt's Biosphere ya tiene reset a las 4:00 A.M., hora de Chile Se actualizo Regenschirm Laboratory npc's con sus respectivas distribuciones!!! Se actualizo las siguientes Illusion Dungeon (kRO Mode): Illusion of Frozen Illusion of Turtle Se actualizo NPC Illusion Dungeon Enchantment, hasta Illusion of Twins - /navi prontera 90/115 Se elimina Victory Wing Ear [1] drop de Amicitia Dungeon Ahora estará en la Poring Coin Shop Se agrego Enchants OSAD-Weapons /navi rgsr_in 112/167 Se elimina el peso de las Flechas, Municiones y Talismanes Items Vivatus Weapons Vivatus Fides Cross Huuma Shuriken [2] Vivatus Fides Huuma Shuriken [2] Vivatus Fides Shotgun [2] Vivatus Fides Gatling Gun [2] Vivatus Fides Launcher [2] Vivatus Fides Rifle [2] Vivatus Fides Revolver [2] Vivatus Fides Stardust Book [2] Vivatus Fides Moon Book [2] Vivatus Fides Dark Wand [2] Vivatus Fides Soul Stick [2] Vivatus Fides Foxtail Model [2] Vivatus Fides Foxtail Wand [2] Se agregaron las Weapon Expanded faltantes al MVP Twisted God Freyja 18.1 (Hard Mode) Se agregaron las Blueprint faltantes de las armas expanded al item Blueprint Scroll Thanos AD Weapons Thanos Sword-AD Thanatos Great Sword-AD Thanos Hammer-AD Thanos Dagger-AD Thanatos Two-handed Staff-AD Thanatos Whip-AD Thanos Violin-AD Thanos Staff-AD Thanos Spear-AD Thanatos Katar-AD Thanatos Axe-AD Thanatos Bow-AD Thanos Knuckle-AD Se agregaron a los item Gray Abrasive (Physical) Gray Abrasive (Magic) Gray Abrasive (Ranged)
  14. Dungeon Clock Tower: Unknown Basement Visión general /navi c_tower1 243/202 Ve a la ubicación del NPC y habla con la caja (Opción 1). Aparecerá un Demonio que explica las profundidades ocultas de Clock Tower. Cerca del Demonio, hay una puerta para entrar a Clock Tower: Unknown Basement. Quest NPC Quest Group Quest Reward Base EXP Job EXP Items /navi c_tower1 243/202 Devil's Meal Breakfast - 100x Monsters in Unknown Basement 38,409,074 25,606,020 1 Lead Lunch - 300x Monsters in Unknown Basement 136,177,626 90,784,980 3 Lead Dinner - 1000x Monsters in Unknown Basement 698,346,800 465,564,000 10 Lead Devil's Pet Mimic Find the Mimic in Unknown Basement /navi clock_01 84/44 1,745,867 1,163,910 - Devil's Snack Gather 100x Jokers Wild 280,442,400 186,961,600 - Gather 100x Shining Round Shell 347,798,000 231,865,000 - Gather 100x Colorful Coral 347,798,000 231,865,000 - Gather 100x Cute Broom 279,337,600 186,224,800 - Devil's Special 5000x Monsters in Unknown Basement 2,182,333,750 1,454,887,500 3 Clock Gear Nota: Devil's Meal comparte el mismo cooldown, así que selecciona cuidadosamente tu quest. Devil's Snack se da al azar los jugadores no pueden seleccionar qué item recolectar. Devil's Meal, Devil's Pet Mimic y Devil's Snack reinician todos los días a las 4:00 A.M., hora de Chile. Devil's Special se reinicia semanalmente los lunes a las 4:00 A.M., hora de Chile Monsters IMG Monster Extra Joker HP: 9,815,492 Erzsebet HP: 9,776,814 Jennifer HP: 9,738,335 General Orc HP: 9,815,292 Sieglouse HP: 9,738,335 Goblin King (MVP) HP: 341,640,529 Item Exchange /navi c_tower1 243/202 Habla con el NPC (Opción 4) para abrir una tienda aleatoria. No es posible seleccionar qué tienda abrir. Los jugadores deben hablar continuamente con el NPC hasta que se abra la tienda deseada. Solid Weapons IMG Item Currency Amount Solid Claymore [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Claymore [2] 1 Solid Staff [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Staff [2] 1 Solid Manual [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified 매뉴얼 [2] 1 Solid Spear [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Spear [2] 1 Solid Wand [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Wand [2] 1 Solid Dagger [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Dagger [2] 1 Solid Edge [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Edge [2] 1 Solid Rod [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Fortified Rod [2] 1 Wicked Weapons IMG Item Currency Amount Wicked Katar [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Katar [2] 1 Wicked Cross [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Cross [2] 1 Wicked Dagger [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Dagger [2] 1 Wicked Blade [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Blade [2] 1 Wicked Axe [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Axe [2] 1 Wicked Book [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Book [2] 1 Wicked Plant [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Plant [2] 1 Wicked Edge [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Relapse Edge [2] 1 Precision Weapons IMG Item Currency Amount Precision Lute [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Lute [2] 1 Precision Whip [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Whip [2] 1 Precision Fist [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Fist [2] 1 Precision Bow [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Bow [2] 1 Precision Pistol [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Pistol [2] 1 Precision Piercer [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Piercer [2] 1 Precision Shatter [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Shatter [2] 1 Precision Splatter [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Splatter [2] 1 Precision Bomber [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Bomber [2] 1 Precision Slasher [2] Lead 125 Clock Gear 10 Scrap Slasher [2] 1 Enchant Materials IMG Item Currency Amount Clock Gear Lead 15 Enchantment Consulte el Enchantment System para ver los enchants para las armas de la serie Solid, Wicked, Precision.
  15. Refine Event Refinar equipo te otorgará estadísticas adicionales cuando los equipes. Refinar se indica con un + seguido de un número al comienzo del nombre del equipo. Hollgrehenn es el NPC que puede refinar. Se le puede encontrar en muchas ciudades importantes indicadas por un icono de yunque en el mini mapa y encima del NPC. Ejemplo: /navi prt_in 63/60 Weapons Las armas y grados de diferentes niveles proporcionan bonificaciones de daño únicas por refinado. Weapon ATK & MATK per Refine Bonus ATK & MATK per Refine Over Safety Bonus ATK & MATK from +15 → +16 Bonus ATK & MATK Per Refine > +16 P.ATK & S.MATK per Refine Lv 1 2 1 ~ 3 16 1 0 Lv 2 3 1 ~ 5 32 2 0 Lv 3 5 1 ~ 8 32 2 0 Lv 4 7 1 ~ 14 48 3 0 Lv 5 - No Grade 8 0 0 0 2 Lv 5 - Grade D 8.8 0 0 0 2 Lv 5 - Grade C 10.4 0 0 0 2 Lv 5 - Grade B 12 0 0 0 2 Lv 5 - Grade A 16 0 0 0 2 Armors Para mayor claridad, las armaduras se refieren no solo al equipo de armadura corporal, sino también a las prendas, calzado, escudos y cascos (arriba). Las Armors proporcionan una bonificación acumulada de Hard DEF por refinado en relación con su refinado actual mediante la fórmula: Floor[( 3 + Current_Refine ) / 4] Para las armaduras Lv 2, esta bonificación de Hard DEF aumenta en un 120% y también otorga 2 RES y MRES por refinado. Shadow Equipment son equipos especiales que otorgan sus propios efectos únicos por refine: Shadow Weapons otorga +1 ATK y MATK por refinado. Todos los demás equipos Shadow otorgan MHP + 10 por refinado. Además minor base stat, Shadow Equipment también puede proporcionar efectos de bonificación que se enumeran en su descripción. Puedes usar el sistema de refinación normal o los martillos Shadow Holgren's Shadow Refine Hammer Shadow 9 Refine Hammer A diferencia de las armaduras normales, los accesorios Shadow ( anillo y colgante) se pueden refinar. Nota: ATK y MATK por refinado y P.ATK y S.MATK por refinado se mostrarán en su ventana de estado. La bonificación de ATK y MATK por Refine Over Safety NO se mostrará en su ventana de estado. Todas las bonificaciones de daño son acumulativas para el refinado total. Blacksmith Blessing El uso de Blacksmith Blessing (BSB) permite proteger un artículo para que no se destruya o disminuya su valor refinado durante el proceso de refinado. Simplemente agregue la cantidad requerida en la interfaz de usuario de Refine donde corresponda. No puedes usar Blacksmith Blessing para equipo Shadow. Refine Process Blacksmith Blessing Required +7 → +8 1 +8 → +9 2 +9 → +10 4 +10 → +11 7 +11 → +12 11 +12 → +13 16 +13 → +14 22 Npc Blessed Ores Ubicado en: /navi prt_in 52/56 /navi payon 148/172 /navi alberta_in 20/56 /navi yuno_in01 175/18 /navi ein_in01 26/82 /navi lhz_in02 280/15 Este NPC solo estará activo durante el evento. Nota adional: Se agrego 10% de probabilidades extra a la hora de Gradear equipos Probabilidades Normal Ores Shadow Equipment Armor (Lv 1) Armor (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 1) Weapon (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 3) Weapon (Lv 4) Weapon (Lv 5) 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 3 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 4 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 5 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 60.00% 6 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 40.00% 40.00% 7 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 100.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 40.00% 8 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 9 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 10 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 19.00% 19.00% 19.00% 9.00% 9.00% 11 - 8.00% 8.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 8.00% 12 - 8.00% 8.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 8.00% 13 - 8.00% 8.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 8.00% 14 - 8.00% 8.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 8.00% 15 - 7.00% 7.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 7.00% 7.00% 16 - 7.00% 7.00% 17.00% 17.00% 17.00% 7.00% 7.00% 17 - 7.00% 7.00% 17.00% 17.00% 17.00% 7.00% 7.00% 18 - 7.00% 7.00% 17.00% 17.00% 17.00% 7.00% 7.00% 19 - 5.00% 5.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 5.00% 5.00% 20 - 5.00% 5.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 5.00% 5.00% Normal Ores (Refine Event) Shadow Equipment Armor (Lv 1) Armor (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 1) Weapon (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 3) Weapon (Lv 4) Weapon (Lv 5) 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 3 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 4 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 5 60.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 80.00% 6 40.00% 40.00% 60.00% 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 40.00% 60.00% 7 40.00% 40.00% 60.00% 100.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 60.00% 8 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 9 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 10 9.00% 9.00% 18.00% 19.00% 19.00% 19.00% 9.00% 18.00% 11 - 20.00% 16.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00% 16.00% 12 - 20.00% 16.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00% 16.00% 13 - 16.00% 16.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 16.00% 16.00% 14 - 16.00% 16.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 16.00% 16.00% 15 - 15.00% 14.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 15.00% 14.00% 16 - 15.00% 14.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 15.00% 14.00% 17 - 14.00% 14.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 14.00% 14.00% 18 - 14.00% 14.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 14.00% 14.00% 19 - 10.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00% 20 - 10.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00% Special Ores Shadow Equipment Armor (Lv 1) Armor (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 1) Weapon (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 3) Weapon (Lv 4) Weapon (Lv 5) 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 3 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 4 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 5 90.00% 90.00% 70.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 70.00% 6 70.00% 70.00% 60.00% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 70.00% 60.00% 7 70.00% 70.00% 60.00% 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 8 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 90.00% 70.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 9 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 70.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 10 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 20.00% 20.00% 11 - 8.00% 15.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 15.00% 12 - 8.00% 15.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 15.00% 13 - 8.00% 15.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 15.00% 14 - 8.00% 15.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 8.00% 15.00% 15 - 7.00% 10.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 7.00% 10.00% 16 - 7.00% 10.00% 17.00% 17.00% 17.00% 7.00% 10.00% 17 - 7.00% 10.00% 17.00% 17.00% 17.00% 7.00% 10.00% 18 - 7.00% 10.00% 17.00% 17.00% 17.00% 7.00% 10.00% 19 - 5.00% 7.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 5.00% 7.00% 20 - 5.00% 7.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 5.00% 7.00% Special Ores (Refine Event) Shadow Equipment Armor (Lv 1) Armor (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 1) Weapon (Lv 2) Weapon (Lv 3) Weapon (Lv 4) Weapon (Lv 5) 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 3 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 4 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 5 95.00% 95.00% 85.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 85.00% 6 80.00% 80.00% 70.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 80.00% 70.00% 7 80.00% 80.00% 65.00% 100.00% 95.00% 90.00% 80.00% 65.00% 8 60.00% 60.00% 55.00% 95.00% 85.00% 70.00% 60.00% 55.00% 9 50.00% 50.00% 45.00% 85.00% 60.00% 60.00% 50.00% 45.00% 10 35.00% 35.00% 25.00% 55.00% 45.00% 45.00% 35.00% 25.00% 11 - 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 12 - 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 13 - 16.00% 20.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 16.00% 20.00% 14 - 16.00% 20.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 16.00% 20.00% 15 - 15.00% 15.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 15.00% 15.00% 16 - 15.00% 15.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 15.00% 15.00% 17 - 14.00% 15.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 14.00% 15.00% 18 - 14.00% 15.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 14.00% 15.00% 19 - 10.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00% 20 - 10.00% 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10.00% 10.00%
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